Hi, I’m Brian.
I grew up in midwestern America, with a hunger for sports, fashion, and people, before coming west to study education and psychology in Seattle. Even from an early age, I have been tuned into the emotional and relational world of people in my life. Relationships fascinate me and motivate me, and the most meaningful experiences I’ve had have been in the context of relationships of one kind or another. I believe I have gotten to know more of myself through learning to be myself in various environments, growing in taking risks to love and be loved in ways that create a fuller sense of life.
Being a therapist allows me the wonderful privilege of walking alongside really brave people as they navigate their past and its profound impact in their lives today. It gives me the inspiration to believe in change, and to embrace the challenges that we all face. I believe mental health to be one of the major underrated struggles in our world, as our mental health is directly related to how we have been treated and how we treat people; our basic dignity and brokenness are often not held the way they need to be: with truth and kindness in relationship.
B.A. Educational Ministries, Seattle Pacific University, 2001
M.A. Counseling Psychology, Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, 2009
Certificate in Psychoanalysis, National Institute for the Psychotherapies, New York, 2019
The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology - Adjunct Professor
Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Seattle (RPPS) - Teaching Faculty
Member, Division 39 (APA Division of Psychoanalysis
Member, IARPP (International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Member, NIPPA (National Institute for the Psychotherapies Professional Association)
Member, NWAPS (NorthWest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study)
Member, SCA (Seattle Counselor’s Alliance)
Member, Counseling Washington
Papers and Articles.
Couples Therapy With Lacan and Mary Jane: The Use of We’d in Regulating Affect. The Alliance Forum Newsletter; May 2015.
Multi-media Psychoanalysis: Subversively Moving Into the New World. Paper presented at International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Chicago, IL; September 2022.
If Breaking the Fourth Wall Stops the Show: The Use of Interpretation in a Post-Classical Psychoanalytic World. Paper presented at National Institute for the Psychotherapies, New York, NY; January 2020.
Blurring the Lines: An Exploration of non-Analytic States of Mind in Analytic Relationships. Paper presented at The Forum Conference (Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study), Seattle, WA; April 2021.